Saturday, May 15, 2010

Should i spend my free time practicing boxing or playing video games?

I can%26#039;t keep doing both, I don%26#039;t have enough time, so which hobby should i keep? boxing or video games?|||Do boxing. It%26#039;s physical and it requires mental agility. You%26#039;ll do yourself a favor if you stay both physically and mentally alert. Video games are a brain drain.|||get a wii and do both at the same time|||drop the controller now....|||You have time for both. Don%26#039;t lie. Maybe you could switch off boxing and whatever game you%26#039;re playing (probabably Halo 3) every other day. And if you choose to solely play games, I hope you get fat. lol.

Ooh, that Wii idea was a good one!|||neither

get a gf|||boxing.

you%26#039;ll build muscles and look hot.|||practice boxing or else your gonna end up as one of those people who play all day and sometimes get super mad at a game and yell at it when you don%26#039;t win.|||Neither.

Find a girlfriend and get laid.|||boxing!!!! better yet muay thai|||for me boxing is much better than video games for in boxing you will be both physically and mentally healty, you will develop more skills and you will be energetic and boxing also is a sort of exercise while video games will not make you sweat.

gee hope it enlightens you|||boxing. it is a lot healthyer for you and it is a form of excersize. it will help build stamina for you when you need it. video games make you lazy even though they build hand eye coordination which might help i boxing. so do 75% boxing for exersize and practice and stamina and 25% videogames for hand eye coordination building

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