Monday, May 17, 2010

How do I get proof somebody was a 'district chamion in boxing'?

My boyfriend says he was a district champion in boxing, how can I find out if he was?

I have seen no pictures, no belts or anything, when I asked where his achievements were, he said they were in the attic, when I asked to see them he said %26#039;my dad probably has sold them%26#039;|||I can help you out but first what district does he claim to be a champ? that helps alot and what weight class was he in? and whats his name? those three questions are very important in finding out if he really was a district champ or not.|||not sure good question i know this fool who reckons he was a state champion boxer and there is a website you can check i forget the name but google it and it should come up. it shows all the registered boxers .|||Locial news papers.|||punch him, if he knocks you out when he punches you back...... the proof will be in the pudding!

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