Monday, May 17, 2010

Is it worthwhile to go Woodbury Commons on boxing day?

I heard that you would have to queue to get into the shops on Black Friday. Will be it bad on boxing day? I have not gone to Woodbury before.

I am also planning to take the $30 expresstrails bus there. It sets off at 0930am and leaves at 0400pm. I have a broadway show at 0700pm. Will I make it in time? Will there be jams?|||We don%26#039;t celebrate Boxing Day in the US, so that would not be a cause of crowds at Woodbury. I%26#039;m not sure if the day after Christmas is a big shopping day, definitely not as big as the day after Thanksgiving, that%26#039;s for sure.

That being said, it almost always seems to be crowded on the weekends! Take a map, or list of stores that you want to visit so that you don%26#039;t waste time walking back and forth looking for a particular shop.

You should be able to make it back in time for the show, but if you buy a lot of stuff, you should make sure to drop it off before you go to the theater!! Space is very limited in most Broadway shows!|||Thank you for your tip!

Now I am quite sure that I will be going Woodbury Commons for my shopping. Report Abuse
|||OMG... If you%26#039;re crazy enough to go there, Go EARLY. (As in be there BY 9am and get it and out as fast as you can!!) The last time I went, I was there just as the stores were opening, and I left at noon and there was a fistfight over my parking place.

There%26#039;s ALWAYS traffic jams on any weekend or holiday there.

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