Thursday, November 12, 2009

What will happen at my first boxing lesson?

Im 14 and tomorrow is my first boxing lesson. I really don%26#039;t have anything(gloves, jump, rope, etc.) right now. Am i actually going to do workouts tomorrow? And can someone please tell me what happened at their first boxing lesson?|||More than likely just have your fitness looked at and give you a bit of time on a mid-weight bag. Probably likely that you%26#039;ll be running, doing push-ups and various cardio-orientated work, the stances, footwork, punching techniques come quite a bit later in most gyms I%26#039;ve used.

Best to wear light, loose clothing such as joggers and a tee.|||Yes. If you are taking a boxing lesson with a class, you will be participating. You will need gloves, hand wraps, and a mouth piece. I think you will be learning different techniques and will be doing drills with the rest of the class. You have to wear a t-shirt or a muscle-t and shorts. You will might be doing shadow boxing too. And if you have a good coach, prepare for conditioning. A lot of it. You%26#039;ll thank him if he does it when you%26#039;re in the ring sparring later. And don%26#039;t worry. The coach will teach you proper stance and where to keep your hands ETC..|||They will most likely work you into their daily routine, include you in the drills and workout and then if and when it comes time for sparring maybe will work with you on basics and the focus mitts. Make sure you eat a good healthy meal prior and drink lots of fluids. We have seen many newbies come into class with out eating or drinking and have them throw up and pass out and get dehydrated. It really depends gym to gym but they will take it easy on you for sure, if they dont it might be the wrong gym.|||More than likely they will just run you through a series of what is what and have you get a feel for everything. Maybe do some cardio and throw a few punches in your gloves.|||You will do work outs. Learn how to stand properly with balance, and learn to always defend yourself by never letting your hands go down to the side of your body.|||Notthing much sore hands and feets , your body will be in a lot of pain after one day but , that will fade away if you continue to work out :)|||Your going to have to do a lot of exercises!|||Push ups....alot of them hahaha

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