Thursday, November 12, 2009

Has anyone in the boxing forum ever actually swayed your thinking?

I%26#039;m just curious as to how often an answerer in the boxing forum can sway other%26#039;s opinions. How often, and by whom? Are we just saying what we think, or are we having a free exchange of ideas resulting in changing attitudes?|||I can be swayed from time to time especially when talking about a fighter I don%26#039;t like. Just because I don%26#039;t like him doesn%26#039;t mean he isn%26#039;t a great fighter but sometimes I will dissmiss some skills because a fighter is arrogant or runs at the mouth too much. When a user will point things out or just wake me up to the obvious I%26#039;ll stand corrected. Of course there are many fighters who I have only seen once or twice and depending who they fought they may have been off their game or against a very weak opponent so other users will just be more knowledgeable and able to steer me in a better direction. Most of the questions are opinion and so I%26#039;ll give mine right or wrong. I am one of the few people who rank Muhammed Ali around 3-5 instead of #1 heavyweight of all time so there is always differences of opinion. Some I%26#039;ll budge on but some I won%26#039;t.|||Sometimes I didn%26#039;t actually see a fighter fight, I only see his record or heard about him, so I would assume other who actually see him fight have better answer.|||If someone gives an intellectual counter argument rather than emotional BS, than yes it can be and has some times.|||If anyone could it would be these guys.|||Sure, it happens from time to time. Santana D made me a better person for knowing him, and changed my out look on a lot of things when I was new to this site. I mellowed a lot on my anti-Tyson position and give Mike the benefit of the doubt some times after corresponding with a couple of Tyson%26#039;s fans who brought up some good points. I will always favor a slugger who stands and trades to a runner who flicks a jab and boxes, but I mellowed on that point as well after a pretty solid question got me to thinking about it.

In general, I%26#039;m too old to change much, but yeah sometimes even an old dog like me can learn something new.

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