Thursday, November 12, 2009

Do you think a tournament format is good for pro boxing?

I think Contender is the greatest thing to happen to boxing in a long time. Fighters competing for a shot at the title. I also think fighters pay could be distributed on how they finished in the tournament.|||Yes everyone would agree with you that it would be great for boxing. The truth is most boxers are in it only for the money and would rather fight 2 times a year and make millions off of that. I think it would work well for the lesser known boxers but the superstars would not take part in such a tournament style format.|||JK ~ Boxing has had elimination tournaments for titles in the past. It usually happens when a fighter retires as champion and in some cases undisputed champion.|||It depends on the contestants in the tournament. Boxing needs to do whatever it can to get interest up, so if they could get some top names in a tournament style contest to, say, unify the heavyweight championship. That would be interesting.|||it would be great ,if a good way of doing it was set-up ,maybe just have fighters compete with more money at stake the further they go, maybe have shorter fights for the early rounds of the tourney so they could fight once a month then make like semi- and finals a longer distance.injuries would probably make a tournament format difficult though.|||I%26#039;ve always liked this method. Someone has to win, someone has to lose. I wish that more of this sort of thing could be incorporated into boxing.|||The Contender Borrowed heavly from past boxing tournaments most recently the Middleweight tournament in which Hopkins dominated Trinidad|||no|||That would be an absolutely excellent way to pare down the fighters until you get a number 1 contender. Take the top 8 fighters in any division and have them fight in a tournament style system until someone is declared the number 1 contender, then that person gets a shot at the title. Have the first eight contenders paired up in 4 bouts, each one set for 10 rounds. The winners of that (which would be 4 fighters) are paired up in 2 bouts, each one set for 12 rounds and the winners of that (2 fighters) fight in one last bout for the number one contender spot scheduled for 12 rounds. The winner of all that then gets a shot and the title. It%26#039;s probably the most fair way to manage it and prevents people from ducking someone - you just fight who%26#039;s up next. Plus, it adds a little bit of excitement to matchmaking - you don%26#039;t know who is going to be fighting who until you have all the results in from each level of the tournament which would also add alot of excitement to the betting situations. Lets face it - Las Vegas, Atlantic city and all those major gambling centres put huge money on the big fights. If you have 8 big fights to bet on in a tournament, plus the title fight in every weight division - you%26#039;re suddenly going to generate a great deal more gambling revenue than we currently have with the one or two big fights per weight division per year. If the big boys who put these matches together realize the revenue to be generated by having a tournament style system, we%26#039;ll have it tomorrow.

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