Thursday, November 12, 2009

Any theories as to why the Future shop and Best buy boxing day sales are soo crappy?

I wanted to buy a high end computer. However, their sales are nothing special compared to normal day sales.

What are they doing? Anyone got any ideas.

** News lines for the day after

Ohh!! Everyone is tightening their budgets. And as you can see, a record number of people have not showed up at any of the major stores. They are reporting a deadly wave of stagnant wallets. Sales have dropped and boxing day just proved our theory.|||since they know they will be loads of people piling into their store, they know that even if they knock off a few dollars people will still buy their stuff, and therefore make a larger profit.|||Because boxing day is not the traditional boxing day anymore..getting rid of seasonal stuff is not as necessary anymore so they just keep it and re sell it. as for electronic stores, they can sell it for a price thats not too low so they take advantage of it..they can sell tv%26#039;s and stuff any season, so there%26#039;s really no reasosn to selll them for so low.|||Bernie Madoff|||The people all stuck up snotty?

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